

What is dermaplaning?

As we get older, our cell turnover rate slows down and this negatively impacts our skin texture and tone. Dermaplaning gently exfoliates the upper layer of dead skin cells away revealing a brighter and smoother complexion which helps to achieve an airbrushed look.

Dead skin cells make your complexion look dull and lead to clogged pores and acne. Dermaplaning makes other treatments such as facials, skin products and serums more effective as they can penetrate into skin which is no longer blocked with dead skin cells. An additional benefit for some is that it also removes vellus (fine) hair on the face and allows for makeup to more easily be applied.

What happens during dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is carried out with a sterile micro-blade held at a 45-degree angle and gently brushed along the surface of the skin to remove thin layers of excess skin cells and fine hairs. The treatment carried out by experienced professionals is painless and does not require any numbing ointment prior to treatment.

The exfoliation process can leave your skin brighter and smoother similar to chemical peels. The treatment helps soften fine lines and wrinkles and ease hyperpigmentation, or uneven skin tone. It’s also used to treat deep acne scars.

What happens after dermaplaning?

You will notice an increased vivacity to your skin, balancing of complexion, reduction of hyperpigmentation, improved skin tone and reduction of fine hair. Skin may be a little red immediately after treatment but this subsides within an hour or so. Peach fuzz / vellus hairs do not come back thicker and stronger, this is a widely misunderstood myth. It will grow back identical to before.

Repeat treatment is recommended once every 6-12 weeks depending on your personal needs.

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